American PARKINSON’S Disease Association, Vermont Chapter
STOWE REC PATH- SAT., MAY 10, 2014, (9:30 AM)
APDA- Vermont Chapter is holding a walk-a-thon/ 5K power run for Parkinson’s research. Please support our team, “STOWE STUMBLERS” by joining us to walk or run, and /or sponsoring us with a donation. Donations can be cash, checks to be made out to APDA Vermont Chapter. You can give them to us, send them in to APDA Vt chapter, PO Box 2191, S. Burlington, Vt., 05407 ,Attention treasurer or contribute online at Please sponsor team “STOWE STUMBLERS”. Registration for runners and walkers on May 10th is at the Stowe Mt. Resort starting at 8:45 am. or online before($25 donation, gets T shirt) Walk/Run starts behind Topnotch on Rec Path Many thanks,
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