Draft Agenda, Tinmouth Conservation Commission

Past event
Jan 18, 2021, 7:30 PM

Tinmouth Conservation Commission
Draft Agenda
Monday, January 18, 2021, 7:30 PM
Remote meeting via Microsoft Teams
Call to order
Review minutes from 11-16-20
Review agenda

New business
Emerald Ash Borer update and potential actions
Drachman Trail
Potential spur to viewpoint—Doug
How do we publicize to a Tinmouth-only audience?
Tales of Tinmouth
Tinmouth Website
Town Report
Is the Tinmouth Purchase Loop Trail on Alltrails?
If not, is someone willing to get that going?
Ridge Trail
Do we want to put a trail register at the kiosk?
Town lot behind transfer station
Report from discussion with Selectboard—Rainbow, Doug
Next steps?
Laminated sign at trail kiosks: "Take a photo of this map with your phone to help you
navigate and to save paper"

Ongoing business
Update on Ridge Trail swithcbacks--Doug
Parking at Drachman Trail trailhead—Doug

Other business

Set next meeting date


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