Hello neighbors! I'm offering a new donation-based workshop next Tuesday evening, January 19, 2021 on microaggressions/harmful language. This workshop will be an interactive event--please come prepared to have vulnerable, difficult conversations with your neighbors as part of an ongoing effort to address the daily, harmful events impacting people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and other folks with underserved identities in our community.
In order to make this workshop accessible for everyone, I am asking folks to donate according to their financial ability--**a portion of all donations will be shared with BLM of Greater Burlington**. That being said, times are hard and no one interested in learning will be turned away. If you are unable to attend next Tuesday evening, please reach out to me. If there is significant interest, I will offer the workshop more than once. There will be no limit on participants for this workshop.
This workshop was developed as part of a 3-month long equity series that I created and hosted in collaboration with the Maine Resilience Building Network last fall. A recent participant for this workshop said, "I found [the workshop to be] incredibly valuable and thought-provoking. You are a wonderful facilitator, the scenarios and discussion were great, and the take-aways felt clear. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity. Thank you for the work you do."
In order to register for the workshop, please fill out this google form:
I will send registered participants a link to the zoom meeting 24 hours prior to the event. Looking forward to seeing new and old faces as we muddle through this work together.
Be well!