The meeting packet can be viewed here:
The agenda includes the following:
5:30 PM.....Charlotte Community Center – Update
5:45 PM.....Site planning at the Town Beach
6:00 PM.....Amend FY21 contract with Lamoureux & Dickinson for Soils and Wastewater Design Review to include reviewing applications to connect to the west village municipal wastewater system
6:15 PM.....Parking for town trail on Plouffe Lane
6:45 PM.....Public Comment
7:00 PM.....Warning for Town Meeting 2021
7:30 PM.....Set dates of public hearings for articles to be voted on by Australian ballot on Town Meeting Day
7:50 PM.....FY22 budget discussion
8:50 PM.....Personnel issue (executive session likely)
9:05 PM.....Minutes: December 14, December 22, December 28, January 4, January 8
9:10 PM.....Selectboard updates
9:15 PM.....Approve warrants to pay bills
9:20 PM.....Adjournment
Dec 16, 2024, 6 to 8 PM
Solstice Concert with the Band Rowan: TuesdayDec 17, 2024, 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Creekside Cocoa and Cookie CrawlDec 20, 2024, 5 to 6:30 PM