Would you like to have a day off from the kitchen? St Ambrose Church is hosting it's first Comfort Food Sunday on January 24 from 2-4 pm.
The menu will be:
meatloaf &mashed potatoes
peas & carrots
dinner roll
cookie for desert
For Covid safety, this will be a take-out meal. Pick up your meal(s) at the church hall from 2 to 4 pm, take them home and briefly rewarm, sit down and enjoy! No muss, no fuss.
Cost is $8.00 per person. Meals must be ordered in advance so we can have them ready for you. Deadline for ordering is January 21st. To order click on the following link:
If for some reason (like my typing!), that link doesn't work, go to stambrosestpeter.vermontcatholic.org/
At the bottom of the first page, click on the picture of the meal.
Mar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 6:45 PM
Our TownMar 8, 2025, 7 to 10 PM
Our TownMar 9, 2025, 7 to 10 PM