Selectboard Meeting Jan. 8

Past event
Jan 8, 2021, 6 to 8:30 PM

The Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Friday January 8th at 6 pm; the meeting will include a public hearing for proposed amendments to the Land Use Regulations as submitted by the Planning Commission, as well as additional agenda items.

Here is a link to the agenda and the public hearing notice:

Here is a link to the proposed amendments to the Land Use Regulations and associated materials:

The agenda includes the following items:
6:00 PM.....Public hearing on proposed amendments to the Charlotte Land Use Regulations
6:45 PM.....Job description for Zoning Administrator, Sewage Control Officer, E-911 Coordinator & Health Officer; possibly also job description for Administrative Assistant
8:00 PM.....Authorize advertising for position(s) including starting pay range

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