Extra Local Blood Drive in Richmond - Jan. 25

Past event
Jan 25, 2021, 12 to 5 PM

If you are not a donor at our regular local blood drives, or would like to donate for the first time, or want to donate in Richmond versus driving to Burlington, then here is your chance to participate in an extra ARC blood drive being held Jan 25th at the Richmond Congregational Church from noon until 5PM.

Eligible donors can call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go online to redcrossblood.org for more information and to make a blood donation appointment; or call me (Dave Thomas 802.434.3654).

Use RAPIDPASS (http://www.redcrossblood.org/rapidpass), a pre-donation & health history questionnaire, to reduce the wait time. Complete it on line on January 25 before you arrive to donate.

In response to those concerned about safety, health and sanitation, our area ARC account manager says "we like to say that a blood drive is the safest place you can be these days. We have run over 1000 blood drives in VT since March and have had zero issues. Due to strict social distancing practices, constant sanitizing and training of our staff, we have all but eliminated any concerns from our donors."

This will be a smaller drive, but there are plenty of choice appointment slots available. With the new year, please make this one of your early feel good contributions to your broader community.

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