FY22 School Budget Community Forum

Past event
Jan 5, 2021, 6 to 7:30 PM

The South Burlington School District invites you to join us via Zoom for our next community forum on the FY22 budget being held January 5 from 6:00-7:30 pm. You can find the agenda and participation information on the District website: www.sbschools.net. If you missed our first two forums, you can find the presentations on the budget tab of our District website. Please note, these forums are taking the place of the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) this year. We invite you to offer your questions, comments, or to simply "drop in" to listen to the presentation. The budget will also be a topic on upcoming regular school board meeting agendas including January 6 and January 13. You can also livestream regular board meetings on the BTV MediaFactory Facebook page and watch them afterward at mediafactory.org/meetings. We look forward to hearing from you!

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