Preview of Jan. 4 City Council Meeting

Past event
Jan 4, 2021, 7 to 11 PM

Dear Neighbors,
I hope you all had a happy and healthy New Year's Eve, ushering in what I am sure we all hope will a much better year than the one we left behind, one of promising renewal, health and happiness for our family, friends and community.

Thank you to all the volunteers and generous donors and sponsors of the Winter Food Distribution Event we hosted this past Wednesday. Thanks to the efforts of many, over 200 families in need were assisted with a full bag of groceries and a gift card from a local grocery store. The response to the event was overwhelming, highlighting the immense need to address food insecurity in our community and beyond. We will do our best to continue these events and are grateful to so many our community for donating their time, resources and goods to help our neighbors in need.

This coming Monday, January 4, at 7pm, will be our first Council meeting of the new year.

You can watch and participate in the meeting:
Via zoom:
Or by phone: (312) 626-6799, Webinar ID: 828 0994 0030
Or on BT Channel 317 or on via CCTV link:

Here is the link to sign up for public forum which begins at 7:30pm:

We have four items on our deliberative agenda:
Our first item is a first reading on ordinance changes that require all construction contractors who have agreements/contracts with the City, work in the City for a government-funded project or subcontractors to be a "responsible employer". The changes would add criteria to the responsible employer definition regarding wages paid and benefits extended as well as certifications so the City knows employees are being fairly provided.

The second item on our agenda is regarding an advisory ballot item regarding climate justice in building carbonization. This is in response to the thermal energy charter change that the Council passed in December that will go on the March ballot. There has been some confusion that the thermal charter change will mean additional costs for fighting climate change will fall most heavily on those least able to absorb such costs. The proposed charter change on thermal regulations would create an opportunity for the City to create ordinances, regulations, programs and policies that build a just and fair transition into the climate change work to decarbonize our residential and commercial building thermal systems. Support from the voters will be important in making sure that the Council and Administration continue to create climate change policies that foster a just transition to a clean energy economy.

We will be voting on at least one resolution regarding Act 164, which provides for the operation of legal retail sales of cannabis. Act 164 provides that before a cannabis retailer or integrated licensee (person licensed to be a cannabis cultivator, wholesaler, product manufacturer, retailer, and testing laboratory) may operate within a municipality, a majority of the voters present and voting must affirmatively permit their operation. Due in part to some confusion as to the wording of the ballot item to allow for retail sales, there are currently two resolutions on our agenda to address this issue. Forging both resolutions into one is being worked on this weekend.

Our last agenda item is regarding the Police Control Board Charter Change the Council passed in December. The Mayor has requested that the sponsors of the charter change work with him to collaborate on a charter change that addresses concerns he has made known to the councilors. Should that not be possible, the Mayor has indicated he will veto the resolution that contains the charter change. I would encourage you to please read the Mayor's letter: Here is the link to the Charter Change: There were some changes made to the submitted charter change that can be found on board docs on the December 14 agenda. Please be in touch with me if you can't locate them. I would be most interested in any thoughts you would like to pass along regarding this Charter Change and the Mayor's veto.

As always, I welcome your questions, concerns, and comments, so please be in touch. Your voice matters and I am grateful for your input. I hope you enjoy the rest of this long holiday weekend. And our first true snowfall of this winter.

My best,

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