Public Meeting via Zoom
Tuesday, January 5th from 6-7 p.m.
The Town of Westfield has produced a Housing Needs Assessment. The assessment inventories existing housing conditions and reports on what housing is needed now and in the future. Specifically, we examine redevelopment ideas at the Scenic View site, the 25-unit residential care home that closed in 2018. We will provide our findings in a brief presentation, then will gather additional public input and answer questions.
• Participants must pre-register to attend the meeting by clicking this link:
• Once registered, participants will receive information on how to join the webinar via phone or join by computer.
If you are unable to attend the public meeting, but want to provide input, you can:
• watch a recording of the meeting which will be posted on the Town's website after the 5th
• send an email to with the subject line "Housing Assessment"
• leave a voicemail message with your thoughts at 518-300-1627. Please provide input by Tuesday, January 12th.
This project is funded by a Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development Municipal Planning Grant and is being produced by Camoin 310, an economic and community development consulting firm.
To view the Housing Needs Assessment visit the Town of Westfield's website at or call 802-744-2484 for additional assistance.