Richmond Racial Equity Meeting

Past event
Dec 29, 2020, 7 to 8:30 PM

The "Richmond Racial Equity" group has been meeting more or less weekly since late June and will be meeting tonight (December 29) at 7 pm.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 7209 6188

Moreover, if you'd like to receive emails from the group and know what's going on and what's being discussed, you're welcome to join our mailing list even if you can't routinely make the Tuesday night meetings:

If you're not already a member, the "Ask to join" button should show up when you go to that URL. We try to approve new signups very quickly. :)

Finally, we hope everyone in town will attend the January 4th meeting of the Richmond Selectboard, at which we expect the Fair and Impartial Policing policy to be discussed and voted on,

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