Newbury Withdraw from Oxbow Unified Union SD Vote

Past event
Dec 29, 2020, 10 AM to 7 PM

Thank you to everyone that came to the Newbury withdrawal from the OUUSD informational meeting last night (12/21/20) The link to the meeting recording is attached in case you were unable to attend.

The presentation that was given by the OUUSD board will be available on the OESU website. The board is asking that the Newbury community support the merged district as we continue to work hard for what we feel is best for our students, schools and communities. As always please reach out if you have any questions.

NEWBURY RESIDENTS To have a absentee ballot mailed to you for this vote please call Nikki Tomlinson Town Clerk. (802) 866-5521 OR GO TO THE TOWN OFFICE ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 29TH TO VOTE IN PERSON FROM 10AM-7PM.

Oh, and don't forget we will be voting on the OUUSD school budget January 13th 2021 you can call now to ask for your absentee ballot to be mailed to you
Newbury Town Clerk: (802) 866-5521
Bradford Town Clerk: (802) 222-3520

Thank you,
Danielle Corti, Chair –
Melissa Gordon, Vice Chair –
Angela Colbeth –
Timm Judas –
Carol Cottrell –
Chelsey Perry-

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