Christmas Eve Service at 2nd Congo

Past event
Dec 24, 2020

Happy Holidays Cambridge! I hope you are all healthy, safe and warm!

Just wanted to let folks know that the 2nd Congregational Church will be having our Christmas Eve service online this year and all of you are invited to join in. You can log in through zoom with this address.

Zoom Meeting ID: 601 529 6805, Password: 060305

Also for those who would like to join in the candle lighting ceremony at the end of service we will have candles you can pick up through the front door of the church
Tuesday the 22nd from 1-3 and Wednesday the 23rd from 1-3.

But if you would like to use your own candles feel free to do that as well.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Rev. Devon

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