2021 Town Plan Public Hearing Notice

Past event
Jan 18, 2021, 6:30 PM



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Notice is hereby given to the residents of the Town of Westford, Vermont that the Westford Planning Commission will hold a hearing Monday, January 18, at 6:30 PM on Zoom to receive public comment on the Westford, Vermont 2021 Town Plan pursuant to Chapter 117 of Title 24, Section 4387 and 4384, Vermont Statutes Annotated.

By state statute, municipalities must prepare and update their town plan every eight years; the current Westford Town Plan is set to expire 90 days after the end of the COVID-19 State of Emergency per Act 92 (the plan would have otherwise expired on May 14, 2020). The plan update affects the entire geographic area of town and focuses on the following: to add an enhanced energy plan to conform to the standards in 24 V.S.A. §4352, to pursue additional designations, programs and services to support town center area revitalization, to improve multimodal transportation options and safety, to update data and information in the plan to be as current as possible, to create an implementation strategy, and to incorporate goals and policies that will make Westford a more flood resilient community.

The Westford, Vermont 2021 Town Plan contains 10 chapters, which include: Introduction; Historic Features; Population, Housing & Existing Land Use; Facilities, Utilities & Services; Economic Development; Transportation, Public Land & Trails; Energy; Natural Resources & Features; Future Land Use; Implementation Plan. This plan is intended to be consistent with the goals established in Title 24, Section 4302.

The Westford, VT 2021 Town Plan can be viewed at https://westfordvt.us/town-plan/ or by contacting townclerk@westfordvt.us or calling (802) 878-4587.

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