Migrant Justice Milk with Dignity Street Theater Action

Past event
Dec 18, 2020, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Migrant Justice Milk with Dignity Campaign Street Theater Action
outside Hannaford supermarket in Middlebury, Friday, Dec. 18, 11:30am

About Migrant Justice https://migrantjustice.net/about
About Milk with Dignity https://migrantjustice.net/milk-with-dignity-campaign
(FB event info) https://www.facebook.com/events/217394913278449/

Details (Detalles: ve abajo para español)

Join us for a socially-distanced street-theater action outside the Hannaford supermarket in Middlebury to tell the company: "Don't be a Grinch! All we want for Christmas is Milk with Dignity!"

Hannaford has been profiting off the pandemic while farmworkers continue to be left out in the cold. For over a year, the company has ignored the call to join Milk with Dignity. Let's get together before the end of the year to tell Hannaford to join the #MilkWithDignity (Links to an external site.) program!

Meet towards the back of the parking lot, near the McDonalds
El viernes habrá una acción en frente del Hannaford en Middlebury. Nos reunimos para demandar que Hannaford se una al programa de Leche con Dignidad!

El supermercado está teniendo mucha ganancia durante la pandemia, mientras que la comunidad no tiene nada. Ordeñamos la leche que la compañía vende, pero no tenemos ninguna protección. Ya basta!

(Nos juntamos por el McDonalds y caminamos juntxs a la tienda)

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