Solar Heat Workshop Wednesday April 23

Past event
Apr 23, 2014

Solar Heat Workshop Wednesday 4/23 6pm to 8pm Holley Hall:

Background: Solar Home Heating and Cooling allows Vermonters to heat and cool their homes with clean, fossil-free energy at about 1/3 the cost of heating fuel. Combing solar power with a new heating technology can reduce a home’s use of traditional heating fuels by as much as 80% and can cut heating bills by half. Moreover, in the summer the system can be reversed and provide ultra-efficient air conditioning and dehumidifying. Guilt-free cooling!

This workshop will cover the basics of solar power and heat pumps: how they fit into our state's energy plans, how the technologies work, what government incentives are available, how our "no upfront cost" program works, and more.
RSVP to R.J. Adler: 802 793 0662 or

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