Assuming that this post comes out before 7 PM today, you are invited to provide input on the possible alignment of the Town Link Trail from the West Village area to the Town Beach.
The Steering Committee, which is looking at potential alignments for the Town Link Trail between the West Charlotte Village and the Town Beach, invites you to join the on-line public work session on Dec 10 at 7 PM. They hope to hear from YOU; they are especially interested in hearing from folks that happen to live north of Ferry Road and west of Greenbush Road.
The study's Steering Committee will present the draft of their final recommendations for review and comment at this work session. They have developed this alignment over the past few months with input from Town residents, committees and commissions.
Topic: Trails Steering Committee Final Public Work Session
Time: Dec 10, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 1278 9909
Passcode: 542379
The draft of the possible alignment is available for viewing at the Town Office or on-line at the Town Website when you click on the meeting on the Town Calendar.
If you can't attend the public work session, you can send comments to
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