Please join us for our monthly meeting! Attending Northfield PTNO (Parent Teacher Neighbor Organization) meetings is a great way to get involved with Northfield Elementary School and stay informed about what is happening at the school. This month, our guest speaker will be Principal Denise Russell.
Northfield PTNO Meeting
December 8th, 2020 at 6:30pm
Meeting Link:
Or join by phone(US)+1 316-778-8060 PIN: 662 425 808#
Approval of Minutes from 11/10/2020
Secretary report (Britta)
Treasurer report (Briana)
Member At Large report (Amanda)
Co-Chair report (Chris & Bianca)
Unfinished Business
Passive Fundraising (Amazon Smile, Spirit Gear, Shop with Scrip)
New Business
Guest Speaker: Principal Denise Russell
What does NES need from us?
Staff Virtual Wish List
Teacher Grants
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 6:30pm, virtual