Please join the Shaftsbury Selectboard teleconference this Monday. There are several items of general interest on the agenda:
- Ken Coonradt Service Recognition. Ken has volunteered generously for decades in service to the Town of Shaftsbury, most recently as Cemetery Superintendent.
- Town Meeting During COVID. The Selectboard will debate whether to vote the budget and other questions by Australian ballot, rather than by in-person floor vote. THIS WOULD APPLY TO 2021 ONLY AND IS DRIVEN BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CONCERNS.
-FY21 Budget. The Selectboard is working to hold the line on spending during the current economic crisis while maintaining essential services.
6:30PM Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Conflict of Interest Statement
3. Announcements
Kennel bylaw delayed
PC,DRB openings in March
4. Ken Coonradt Service Recognition
5. Treasurers Report
6. Public Comments – by teleconference only- instructions below ( Non-Budget)
7. Budget FY22 Draft review
8. Public Comments – by teleconference only- instructions below (Budget Comments/Questions)
9. Question: Town Meeting by Australian Ballot in 2021 Only
10. NEMRC Contract
11. Solid Waste Alliance Agreement
12. Minutes
13. Warrants
14. Public Comments – by teleconference only- instructions below
15. Review of Action Items
16. Adjournment
Shaftsbury Town is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Special Water Board Meeting 6pm/ Selectboard Meeting 630pm
Time: Dec 7, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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