This series hosted by Do North Coworking on Facebook Live celebrates our rural, resilient, and entrepreneurial community. Join us for candid conversations with some of rural Vermont's most passionate and influential startups and small business owners.
On Thursday, December 10th at 1pm, we'll speak with Annie Myers. Annie is the founder and owner of Myers Produce, which distributes produce grown on small, organic farms in Vermont and Western Massachusetts to businesses in the Boston and New York City area. Annie had previously worked as the forager at The Spotted Pig restaurant in New York City, and moved to Vermont to work at Pete's Greens in Craftsbury. She launched Myers Produce in 2013 to meet the need of farmers to grow their sales, offering them an opportunity to scale up their operations while continuing to serve local markets and maintaining their focus on clean, healthy farming. Annie will join us to talk about her journey starting a trucking and distribution company from scratch, and how her customer base has shifted during the pandemic.
We'll be broadcasting on Facebook Live, so visit our profile page at 1pm on Thursday, December 10th for the livestream:
(You may also join via Zoom if you pre-register using this link: