Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Past event
Dec 19, 2020, until 12 PM

The Randolph Circle Audubon Christmas Bird Count takes place on December 19th this year. The Randolph Circle includes the Western half of Tunbridge.
You can learn more about the annual bird count on the Audubon website:

If you want to sign up to be part of the official count, reach out to Brian Lowe at at or you can call him in the evenings at 802-282-6493. He is the official count compiler and can give you more details about counting protocol.

You can be part of the count by watching your feeder, or by going for a hike to cover some more ground. We've had some fun sightings of Pine Grosbeaks in Tunbridge recently, maybe there are some more unusual birds out there this season? Help us find out!

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