Writers on the Rise: S. Erin Batiste

Past event
Feb 25, 2021, 7 to 8 PM

Writers on the Rise is a spotlight reading series designed to uplift and amplify the diverse talent of a wide range of voices and creative visions.

Register here for this event: https://vermontstudiocenter.org/calendar/2020/11/16/writerontherise-serinbatiste.
A private Zoom link will be provided.

S. Erin Batiste is an interdisciplinary poet, storyteller, and scholar. Author of the chapbook, Glory to All Fleeting Things, she is also a 2020 Crosstown Arts Writer in Residence, 2019 Bread Loaf-Rona Jaffe Scholar in Poetry, Cave Canem and Callaloo Fellow, and her other recent honors include fellowships from Vermont Studio Center, SPACE on Ryder Farm, The Mastheads, and Brooklyn Poets. Batiste is a reader for The Rumpus and her own Pushcart, Best New Poets, and Best of the Net nominated poems are anthologized and appear internationally in wildness, Paper Darts, Peach Mag, and Puerto del Sol among other decorated journals.

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