The Milton Planning Commission is holding a regular meeting via Zoom at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 24. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to Order & Welcome
2. Attendance
3. Agenda Review
4. Public Forum
The public may attend and participate in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1VSA312).
5. Staff Updates
6. Business
A. Recommendation to Permit Restaurants as an Accessory Use in Zoning District I2
B. CCRPC Unified Development Regulations Major Recommendation 1
C. Proposed UDR Edits for Public Hearing—Collection of Proposed Amendments as
Previously Agreed to via Consensus
7. Minutes: October 20, 2020
8. Adjournment
You are welcome to attend by using the dial-in information below:
Join Zoom Meeting via phone (voice only): (646)-558-8656
Meeting ID: 889 8388 2747
Password: 949024
Thank you!
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