Starksboro Selectboard regular meeting agenda
*MEETING VIA ZOOM and is available to the public by phone or computer*
Instructions for participating below
Agendas posted at Town office, Post office, Jerusalem Store
5:30 - Meeting begins Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
5:31 - Visitor's business (if no visitors are present, meeting will continue to the next topic)
5:40 - Road Foreman's Report (10 min.)
5:50 - Jerusalem Community Center Committee (15 min)
Update on committee work and next steps
6:05 - Budget planning (60 min)
Review budget process, information needed, and determine next steps.
Set budget meeting date(s).
7:05 - Action Items (15 min)
1. Authorize warrants for bills, orders, and payroll
2. Review minutes of 11/2 and 11/10
3. Review mail and correspondence received
4. Review EVSE grant final award from AOT and sign
7:20 - Current Business (20 min.)
1. Website redesign update (if needed)
2. Selectboard concerns
3. Discuss ZA interview and next step
7:40 est - Adjournment
To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: Join Zoom Meeting
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Please observe open meeting law instructions regarding participation.
Jan 22, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
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