Friday, November 20th, 6:30PM
Transgender Day of Remembrance (Zoom)
Transgender Day of Remembrance is an opportunity for communities to come together and remember transgender people, gender-variant individuals, and those perceived to be transgender who have been murdered because of hate.
Join Black Lives Matter Windsor VT (BLMWVT), LGBTQ+ & Allies of Windsor, VT, and the Windsor Public Library as we honor those individuals whose lives were taken and reflect on this tragedy.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 880 8182 0971 Passcode: 05089 One tap mobile +19292056099,,88081820971#,,,,,,0#,,05089# US (New York)
Jan 17, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Introduction to Conscious Breathing/Therapeutic BreathJan 18, 2025, 9:30 to 11:30 AM
Open Barn at Retreat FarmJan 18, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM