Restorative Community Justice of Southern Vermont (RCJSVT)
Our mission is to promote restorative practices that prevent, address, and change behaviors that hurt individuals, families, schools, and communities. These practices focus on repairing harm and reintegrating those involved in conflict back into the community by talking about important issues, improving relationships, creating a peaceable climate, and nurturing critical awareness of each person's valued place in their community. We create opportunities and provide resources for people to achieve these goals.
Upcoming Training!
November 14th, 3-6pm- Going Deeper with Non-Violent Communication with Laurie Rabut
In this workshop, we will further explore Non-Violent Communication (NVC), sometimes called "Compassionate Communication" as originally developed and taught by Marshall Rosenberg and his many students worldwide. This workshop is appropriate for anyone interested in the Restorative Circle process, and especially for those who have some understanding of NVC practice through their own study, attendance at one of our "NVC" workshops or courses taught by other NVC trainers and practitioners.
For anyone yet unfamiliar with, but curious about NVC, you are also welcome to attend. Laurie will give an overview/review of the basic elements of NVC at the start of the training and she will also offer support and be available to answer your questions throughout.
Following the overview, we will all engage in quite a bit of actual "practice" opportunities of these valuable skills with the entire group, as well as in dyads and triads in Zoom "break-out" rooms as attendance allows.
We will explore more deeply how Compassionate Communication supports empathic mutually humanizing connections in dialog and conflict and how it supports curiosity and creativity within and between us all.
We will practice getting in touch with what is "alive" in us at any moment.
Understanding and communicating with ourselves with NVC consciousness
Understanding and communicating to others in NVC consciousness
We will practice listening with presence and empathy to what is "alive" in ourselves and others.
Practicing listening with NVC consciousness (experiencing empathy)
Practicing offering reflective empathy
We will review speaking and listening for connection and meaning.
Practice differentiating between observational and judgmental language.
Practice developing a vocabulary of feelings and needs/values and how they intersect.
We will further explore how NVC supports:
Awareness: Noticing when conflicts arise due to differing strategies for meeting needs, and noticing where human needs and values are a connecting thread between people.
Healing: Practicing mournings and celebrations of met and unmet needs with NVC consciousness
Moving forward: Practicing making requests in NVC consciousness.
We will continue to explore:
How NVC can support the pre-circle or "Intake" process
How NVC can support the Restorative Circle process
Further Training!
November 21st, 3-5pm- Circles for Equity and Antiracism
We in the restorative field often view circles as a place of equality. But how can we ensure that each individual voice is heard and valued equally? How can we avoid bias subtly showing itself in circle? Let's talk about Circles for Equity and Antiracism.
November 28th, 3-5pm- Going Deeper with Restorative Circles
Continue to practice role play and learn the process of setting up and practicing a restorative circle! This is a continuation of the introduction to Restorative Circles; if you did not take the introductory workshop but have some experience, you are welcome to jump in!
You can RSVP to any of these trainings by emailing us! Please specify the training you wish to attend and we will save you a spot!
Mar 7, 2025, 5:15 to 6:45 PM
Winter Adolescent Dog ClassMar 8, 2025, 4 to 5 PM
Slow AquaMar 10, 2025, 2 to 2:45 PM