Members of the Grand Isle Consolidated Water District are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Meeting of the Water District will take place at the Ed Weed Fish Hatchery on Bell Hill Road in the Town of Grand Isle on Wednesday, December 09, 2020, commencing at six thirty O'Clock in the evening (6:30 p.m.).
At this meeting there shall be elected two (2) Water Commissioners with three (3) year terms.. District members wishing to participate in the elections and/or run for any of the above positions should attend the Annual Meeting on December 09, 2020.
Also on the agenda are the 2020 Annual Budget discussion and adoption and the setting of monthly meeting dates for 2021. The proposed budget will be posted on our website (listed below) by December 7, 2020 (or before) for members to review.
The regular December meeting will follow the annual meeting with the newly elected Commissioners. All members of the District are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Grand Isle Consolidated Water District P.O. Box 9, Grand Isle, VT 05458
Mar 7 to 9, 2025
Work Party for Assembling Kestrel HousesMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
Pebble Party Spring Forward Fundraiser!Mar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM