Policy Governance Presentation

Past event
Nov 17, 2020, 6 to 7 PM

Are you currently serving on a board, thinking about joining a board, or maybe you have heard of Policy Governance®, but don't really know what it is? Then, please join us on November 17th at 6:00pm via Zoom as the BUU Board hosts "The Magic of Meaningful Board Meetings Using Policy Governance®". Please visit the calendar on the RNESU website for the meeting link and dial in information.

There will be three BUU member seats on the ballot this upcoming March 2021. Two (2) Seats for a Chittenden Resident and one (1) At-Large Seat to be held by a resident of either Chittenden or Mendon. Board terms are three years, but one of the Chittenden seats in this election will be for only one year due to a previous resignation. The BUU Board governs with a Policy Governance approach, which allows them to focus on the future of the school. A Board Member should enjoy working with values, visions, and long-term planning. They should think in terms of systems and content, be committed to the organization's areas of concern and be able to share power in a group process. If you are interested in running, please contact a current Board Member or your town office.

**Please note that due to COVID-19 and with regards to the safety of our citizens, the General Assembly has recently passed a bill (H.681 Act 92) temporarily suspending local voter registration signature requirements to be added to the ballot.

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