Dear Neighbors,
This Monday, the City Council will have its first of two scheduled meetings for the month of November.
As the meeting will be virtual, you can watch the meeting via zoom: or by phone, 312 626 6799, Webinar ID: 838 4500 0131 You can also watch live on BT Channel 317 or on youtube:
If you wish to speak during public forum which begins at 7:30, please sign up via:
Our first order of business will be a work session a legal review of Overdose Prevention Sites. As you may recall the Council passed a resolution on OPS and requested the City Attorney give us a legal review of the impediments, the opportunities and next steps regarding having such a site in Burlington. The work session will begin at 6:30pm.
We have one resolution, a number of ordinances and a communication on our deliberative agenda:
• We will be voting on a resolution regarding a Language Access Plan. The purpose of the City's proposed Language Access Plan is to provide timely and meaningful access to City information, programs and services for individuals facing language barriers. Adopting a Language Access Plan will provide the City with a framework for improved language access services and enable the Innovation & Technology Department, in coordination with other departments to begin a needs assessment and for CEDO to then develop a clear implementation plan to improve language access across all City Departments.
• We will be holding a public hearing on several ordinances which have all advanced to the Council for a second reading. The hearing includes proposed changes:
>To limit parking spaces within the front yard setback in all residential zones and incorporate dimensional standards for residential driveways that presently only apply in design review areas.
>To allow lot coverage in residential and neighborhood mixed use districts for the senior housing bonus to be identical to the inclusionary housing bonus.
>To rezone 311 North Avenue to allow for changes to lot coverage standards and delete the Waterfront-Residential Medium density Height Exemption.
>To eliminate the distinction between small and large Day Care Centers and small and large Preschools, and to eliminate some limits on these facilities in certain districts.
>To allow for placement of structural tents for non-residential purposes without review or zoning permit required for up to 180 days with Fire Marshal permit. This is in response to the upcoming winter months and the COVID State of Emergency. Over the past few months, we have seen the need and efficacy of tents benefit a number of commercial and civic establishments.
• We have a communication from the Charter Change Committee on determining a model for civilian oversight of the Burlington Police Department. This communication is in response to the September 8 resolution which requests that this Committee review options for who makes and reviews police disciplinary decisions and requested a report on the various options for full Council review in October. The communication does include options and recommendations for a new model that would be more responsive to the community's and the Council's desire for greater civilian oversight of this City department. There are a number of attachments and research on this communication. The full report done by the City Attorney with revisions from the Committee can be found at this link:$file/Memorandum%20to%[...]pdf
I hope you have a good weekend. As always, I welcome your questions and concerns, so please be in touch.
My best,
Feb 12, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
NPA Meeting Next Week - Feb. 12Feb 12, 2025, 6:30 to 9:30 PM
Sundays at Ascension Lutheran ChurchFeb 16, 2025, 9 to 11:30 AM