Hinesburg Conservation Commission Agenda
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 7:00 PM
Due to closure of Hinesburg Town Hall
Zoom Meeting Log-in Information:
Meeting ID: 853 0305 8417 Password: 321494
Computer Log-in:
Dial in by Phone: (929) 205-6099
1. Call to order 7:00 PM
2. Additions/Deletions to agenda 7:01 PM
3. Public Comment for non-agenda items 7:02 PM
4. Budget discussion with Select Board member Merrily Lovell 7:05 PM
5. Patrick Brook river corridor project: update & discussion/approval of plan 7:20 PM
6. Update on land conservation fund 7:40 PM
7. Hinesburg Center II preliminary plat application: continued discussion 7:50 PM
8. Annual report: discuss/review 8:10 PM
9. Review minutes of October 13, 2020 meeting 8:20 PM
10. Nature Notes 8:25 PM
11. Reminders & Adjourn 8:30 PM
Mar 5, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Book Discussion "How to Be Animal"Mar 5, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Self Defense Workshop with Kidpower VermontMar 8, 2025, 1 to 5 PM