Materials for Planning Commission/TRB Meeting

Past event
Nov 12, 2020, 7 to 9 PM


The packet assembled for the November 12 Planning Commission meeting is now available.

For the majority of the meeting, the Commission will be filling its role as the Telecommunications Review Board.

Sitting as the TRB, members will continue Public Hearing TEL20-01. The hearing concerns an application by Zachary Manganello for "ham" radio facilities proposed at 4450 Dorset Street.

All Planning Commission meeting materials, including those for the upcoming meeting, can be reached using the following link:

The packet for the 11-12 meeting can be found in the 'upcoming meetings' folder. (Materials consist of a single, combined (and large) PDF file as well as individual files in folders.)

Once again, the meeting will be conducted remotely using the Zoom platform. Details for joining the meeting are provided below.

Please contact the Planning and Zoning office if you have questions.

Thank You.

To Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882-8414-8798
Password: 3Wu9Fx


(929) 205-6099 or find alternative number using:
Meeting ID: 882-8414-8798
Password: 292453

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