Restorative Circles: Learning Through Listening

Past event
Nov 7, 2020, 3 to 5 PM

Upcoming Training! Sponsored by Restorative Community Justice of Southern VT

Saturday Nov. 7th, 3-5pm - Restorative Circles: Learning Through Listening, Facilitated by W/ Claire Summers

We at RCJSVT believe that the most effective way to learn community building circle facilitation is to sit in circle with an experienced facilitator! Join us on Saturday to learn by doing. The circle will be instructional so that participants have the opportunity to learn what it means to facilitate, and the facilitator, Claire Summers, will walk you through each step.
It will also be a space for vulnerability and a place to explore our individual thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Bring your vulnerability, openness, intentionality, and ability to listen to understand.
We will explore the aspects of ourselves that help us communicate and relate to others effectively and the aspects of ourselves which have caused interpersonal difficulty. We will learn about listening, holding space, and ensuring that everyone's voice and experience is given equal weight to whatever extent is possible.

Please email before the circle with any questions or topics you would like addressed or brought to the circle for discussion!

Further Training!

November 14th, 3-6pm- Going Deeper with Nonviolent Communication, Facilitated by Laurie Rabut

In the Introduction to NVC workshop participants began to learn the concepts of compassionate and empathetic listening, scratching the surface of how NVC can be used in restorative justice work. Now, you will go deeper into understanding, practice, and discussion. If you attended the introductory workshop, this is the second step in your learning process; if you did not take that workshop, but already have experience with NVC, you are welcome to jump in!

November 21st, 3-5pm- Circles for Equity and Antiracism, Facilitated by Claire Summers and Emma Bliss

We in the restorative field often view circles as a place of equality. But how can we ensure that each individual voice is heard and valued equally? How can we avoid bias subtly showing itself in circle? Let's talk about Circles for Equity and Antiracism.

November 28th, 3-5pm- Going Deeper with Restorative Circles, Facilitated by Dan DeWalt and Laurie Rabut

Continue to practice role play and learn the process of setting up and practicing a restorative circle! This is a continuation of the introduction to Restorative Circles; if you did not take the introductory workshop but have some experience, you are welcome to jump in!

RSVP to any of these trainings by emailing

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