Danby Veterans Day Observance Nov. 7 at the Memorial

Past event
Nov 7, 2020, 1 PM

Veterans Day Observance will be held this year on Saturday, November 7 at 1pm. We encourage you to participate virtually (the Facebook Live Event link and call in information are provided below). If you want to attend in person at the memorial (located at 174 Mt. Tabor Ave in Danby), masks must be worn, and we suggest remaining in your cars and dial into the event, listening from your phone or car speakers.

In addition to showcasing enhancements at the memorial completed this year, we will have several distinguished speakers, including Dan Garceau (local veteran), Linda Joy-Sullivan (our state rep and member of the DMTNow Board) and our senator Brian Collamore. Local Boy Scouts Justin and John Jansson (leading us in the pledge of allegiance) and Katie Gaiotti (singing the national anthem) will also help us celebrate the day.

If you have questions, email me at ratobin@gmail.com. We look forward to you joining the event!

Dial in information:
Call +1 (408) 650-3123 then enter this access code: 967-491-501

Facebook Live Event Link to see the observance online - click this link:

This event is sponsored by Danby-Mt. Tabor Now, a 501c nonprofit organization that 'celebrates all that is great in our towns'.

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