The Village of Essex Junction Board of Trustees is holding a public hearing about the proposed merger plan with the Town of Essex the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 27. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams (see below for log-in details). The public is, as always, welcome and invited to attend. The Trustees will be able to answer questions people may have about the merger proposal, which is included for Village voters on the November 3 ballot.
In addition to the public hearing, the Trustees have a regular meeting the night of October 27. The Trustees and the Town of Essex Selectboard also have a joint meeting the night of Monday, October 26. Those meetings will also be held via Microsoft Teams, and the public is welcome and invited to attend. Full agendas and packets are available at and
The agendas contain links to join the meetings electronically, and call-in information to join by phone.
OCTOBER 26 – Trustee & Selectboard joint meeting, 6:30 p.m.[...]%7d
+1 802-377-3784,,14255411# United States, Middlebury
Phone Conference ID: 142 554 11#
- Public to be heard on items not on the agenda
- Consider approval of Town of Essex / Village of Essex Junction Public Works Winter Operations Plan with COVID 19 Impacts 2020-2021
- Consider accepting traffic study with change in speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph on Sand Hill Road near Founders Road (Selectboard only)
- Consider approval of passage of revised Motor Vehicles, Traffic and Parking ordinances and warn public hearing for final passage (Selectboard only)
- Discussion about local options tax for March 2021 ballot
- Update on Out and About event
OCTOBER 27 – Public hearing on merger plan; Trustee meeting, 6:30 p.m.[...]%7d
+1 802-377-3784 United States, Middlebury (Toll)
Conference ID: 760 584 946#
- Public to be heard on items not on the agenda
- Discussion of public outreach for merger plan and vote
- Public hearing for merger plan
For more information, please contact Deputy Manager Greg Duggan at 878-1341 or
Mar 6, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
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