Rally: Protect the Tesults

Past event
Nov 4, 4 PM to 6 PM, Nov 5, 2020

Rally in Bristol

Are you concerned about our election process? Does it seem that voting and the will of the people, which has always been the basis of how we choose our leaders, is no longer respected? Nov 4th between 4:00 – 6 pm many of us in the Five Town area will come together in Bristol to show support for democracy by demanding that all votes be counted. Because we have faith in our local election process in Vermont, this rally will focus on the national electoral process. Rallies will be staged all across the country where there are serious concerns that all votes may not be counted in many states. The rally will include holding and walking with signs, listening to the latest updates on the election process and talking in small groups using social distancing. Check out Front Porch Forum for the rally location. We're waiting for a permit to see if we can gather in the Bristol Town Green. Sign up at ProtecttheResults.com or just come...

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