Kate & Dan's Day in the District!

Past event
Oct 25, 2020, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Hello neighbors!

The election is over in just 11 days! Dan Noyes and I have followed public health recommendations and opted not to go door to door campaigning this year as we seek to become your State Representatives. This has been a difficult decision as it has meant we are far less able to connect with each of you individually. Instead, we are working to make ourselves as available as possible through outdoor meet and greets, phone calls, and other means.

In these final two weekends of the campaign season, Dan and I will be holding Days in the District. This Sunday we will be in each town of Lamoille 2, available to connect with you in-person. Here is the schedule. Swing by if you're able. We would love to see you and hear from you:

Sunday, October 25th:
10 a.m. -11 a.m. in Wolcott Village next to the Post Office
11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. in Hyde Park Village on the lawn of the Odd Fellows Hall
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Johnson Village at the Studio Store
3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Belvidere at the Community Club

Come say hi! And, as always, please wear your mask!

You can also check us out, contact us, or schedule time to meet at katedonnallyvt.com and dannoyesvt.com.

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