Every Saturday morning, we host a Zoom Coffee Hour at 9am. It's an opportunity for folks to connect with their Marlboro neighbors while staying home & staying safe. You will receive a link to the Coffee Hour in your inbox first thing on Saturday morning. Kate Morgan joins the Coffee Hour to share her wisdom about the body, movement, and Zoom!
Kate has come up with some simple, fun ways to maintain a healthy posture and sense of well-being for the Zooming Body. It won't make you a hypocrite if you jump on MCC's Zoom Link this Saturday to join our neighbor Kate, who is a dance historian, performer and writer, who has taught "Rhythms" at MES since 2008.
Mar 7, 2025, 5:15 to 6:45 PM
Bingo at Newbrook FireMar 8, 2025, 5:30 PM
Literary Cocktail HourMar 14, 2025, 5 to 6 PM