VICII invites you to the second in a series of talks this fall/winter on legal issues that affect our lives. The series is co-sponsored by the Vermont Institute of International and Community Involvement (VICII), the Office of the State Attorney General, the Association of Africans Living in Vermont (AALV), and the Caroline Fund.
Our guest this week is Sarah George, who will be at the Old North end Community Center IN PERSON! and also via Zoom.
WHAT: Talk & Discussion: "What is Monetary Bail & Should it Be Abolished?" Sarah George will discuss her reasons to end requests for eliminating bail in Chittenden County.
WHO: Sarah George, Vermont State's Attorney
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 22 at 6:00 PM
WHERE: Old North End Community Center, 20 Allen Street, Burlington, bottom floor -OR-
on Zoom using this link -
Meeting ID: 882 8949 7756 Passcode: 099311
Because of the need for physical distancing, there are a limited number of in-person seats for the event. Please call Sandy Baird at 802-355-4968 or email at if you would like to come in person. Please also get in touch with Sandy if you have any questions or would like more information about this week's event or the full series.
And please pass this on to anyone else who you think might be interested!