Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Oct. 24

Past event
Oct 24, 2020, 10 AM to 2 PM

This Take Back Day happens twice a year as a reminder to Clean out your medicine cabinets.

Teens and young adults report that misuse of drugs begins right at the family medicine cabinet—where prescription painkillers may sit long after they are needed. Washington County Sheriff W. Samuel Hill has coordinated collection sites staffed by local and state police for people to safely, and anonymously, drop off medications.

Gather up and dispose of expired or unused drugs which should not be flushed down the toilet, washed down the drain, composted, or left around the house. Proper disposal helps avoid harming water sources, wildlife, pets, and people. It also helps to prevent theft and misuse by others.

Local Collection Sites include: Washington County Sheriff's Department, 10 Elm Street; Montpelier; Montpelier Police Department, 1 Pitkin Court; Barre City Police Department, 15 Fourth Street; Northfield Police Department, 110 Wall Street, Northfield; Kinney Drugs, 800 US Route 302, Berlin, VT (Supported by Berlin PD); Kinney Drugs, 80 S. Main Street, Waterbury, VT (Supported by VT State Police)

If you are looking to mail back your old prescriptions, Pre-addressed and postage paid Mail Back Envelopes may be requested from the Vermont Department of Health at . Or pick one up at a local library, senior center, or CVMC.

Permanent, year round drop boxes are available at CVMC main lobby and at all police stations in Washington County.

Central Vermont New Directions partners with Vermont Department of Health and regional organizations to help prevent prescription drug misuse in Washington County. Thank you for doing your part on Sat, Oct 24!

More information available at and

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