Meeting is virtual via GoToMeeting -Please call 453-2980 before 3 PM for link to join meeting
1. *Agenda adjustments and approval [adjustments suggested, briefly discussed – motion to approve] 6:30
2. *Consent agenda (CA)
a. Minutes 10/6/20
b. Minutes 10/13/20 (Special joint SB & PC meeting)
c. Payroll warrants
d. Accounts Payable warrant
[requests for removal of items from CA for full discussion – motion to approve CA]
3. Public Comment – [Opportunity to briefly, 5 min max., present issues, ideas, and concerns on topics not found elsewhere on this agenda. Some issues may require additional agenda time scheduled for a later date] 6:35
4. ***Selectboard discussion with citizens regarding roadside vegetation maintenance (mowing)
5. ***Reports 7:15
a. Highway
b. Selectboard Ass't
c. Town Clerk / Treasurer
d. **Planning/Zoning
e. Grants & projects – current updates and proposed applications
i. Town boards & commissions restructuring analysis
6. ***Old Business 7:30
a. SB Policy review
b. SB Ordinance review
7. New Business 7:50
a. *Sale of plow wing from old grader
b. *Sale of portable generator
c. ***Ordinance to regulate Lincoln Gap Road parking and winter closure dates
8. ***Other business / Board member concerns/New ideas 8:00
9. **Executive session if required
10. ** Decision(s) if any, on issues discussed in executive session
11. *Adjourn 8:30
Mar 6, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Our TownMar 9, 2025, 7 to 10 PM
Home Weatherization Community WorkshopMar 11, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM