Fall (Virtual) Supper Talk with John Meinen Nov. 5

Past event
Nov 5, 2020, 6:30 to 8 PM

The Board of Christian Education at the First Congregational Church in Woodstock is pleased to announce that John Meinen, campus minister with Reformed University Fellowship at UVM, will be our speaker for the Fall (Virtual) Supper Talk on Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 PM. John's topic is:

The Christian Imperative to Care for Creation

Justice is a hot topic these days, but what exactly is justice, and how does it relate to environmental ethics? In this talk, Rev. John Meinen (campus minister at UVM) takes us to the opening pages of the Bible which reveal our kinship with creation as well as our kingship over creation. Being made in the image of God does not merely describe who we are but what we are to do (our purpose) and how we are to do it (our responsibility). The doctrine of imago Dei has profound implications for all our relationships, not least our relationship to the world God has made and His myriad creatures.

Some consider creation care to be peripheral to the Gospel, but in a campus setting it can be a core stumbling block to accepting Christ. The supper will be virtual (no food at the church) and John will speak from the pulpit and be broadcast live via broadband the same as a Sunday morning service (fccw.net/livestream). A Q&A will follow with the option for remote viewers to text or email questions.

Whether you will join us in person or follow remotely, put the date on your calendar and invite any who you think might have an interest in this topic to come or tune in!

Administrative Assistant
36 Elm Street
Woodstock, VT 05091

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