Race Conversations Session Oct. 20

Past event
Oct 20, 2020, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

Our next session or Race Conversations is this Tuesday, October 20, 6:30-7:30 via Zoom. If you plan to attend, please RSVP on this Google Form and I'll send a meeting link to you beforehand: https://forms.gle/qD1krHdk4VVUgRu36

We will be discussing the final two chapters of _So You Want to Talk About Race_ by Ijeoma Oluo: Chapter 16, "I just got called racist, what do I do now?" and Chapter 17, "Talking is great, but what else can I do?"

Oluo ends her book by reminding us that learning and discussion are only a starting point. "Act and talk and learn and f___ up and learn some more and act again and do better. We have to do this all at once. We have to learn and fight at the same time. Because people have been waiting far too long for their chance to live as equals in our society" (p. 230).

After 16 sessions and a year and half, we will be done with Oluo's book. We've had over 50 community members involved in at least one of the sessions. But the learning isn't finished. Waterbury Public Library, and Judi Byron in particular, have been fantastic supporters of this work. We are already thinking about the next phase of Race Conversation in our community.

In the meantime, if you want to get involved on the collective action end of things, please consider signing up to be on the email list or becoming a member of the Waterbury Area Anti-Racist Coalition (WAARC) by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/PYtQ3J6Hya5hzWnr5

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