Book Study: Yes to Life in Spite of Everything

Past event
Nov 4, 2020, 7 to 8 PM

Have you found this pandemic season to be a challenge? Join with others to discuss how to best meet the challenges of life. I'm hosting a book study on Yes to Life In Spite of Everything by Victor Frankl. The book is just recently published in English (March, 2020), and is a series of public lectures Frankl gave in Vienna, just 11 months after his liberation from Nazi concentration camps. From the book cover: "Frankl offers an insightful exploration of the maxim "Live as if you were living for the second time," and he unfolds his basic conviction that every crisis contains opportunity. Despite the unspeakable horrors of the camps, Frankl learned from the strength of his fellow inmates that it is always possible to 'say yes to life' - a profound and timeless lesson for us all." In this time of pandemic, political, social and economic upheaval, how do we best 'say yes to life'? Let's talk about that question together. We'll gather via Zoom on Wednesdays, November 4 and 11, 7-8pm. You'll need to purchase the book on your own. It's available on Amazon (hardcover, Kindle, or Audiobook). If you'd like some help purchasing the book, just let me know. I've not yet asked the Galaxy Bookshop to order it, nor have I yet checked with the Craftsbury Library. This book study is open to the whole community. Invite your friends and family! Email me for the zoom link.

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