Dept. of Public Works Tour Sat. April 26

Past event
Apr 26, 2014, 9 AM to 1 PM

Barre Town residents are invited to attend an open house of the Barre Town Public Works building located at 129 Websterville Road on Saturday April 26 from 9 am until 1 pm. The Selectboard appointed a committee last fall to study this issue and we would like to share the outcome with residents. Please take the time to come and view the current structural condition of the building and the buildings ability to serve Barre Town needs today. This building was built in 1959 and was a temporary military structure that the town purchased and erected to serve as the town garage. This building was made to be portable and thus does not lend itself to some of todays energy savings upgrades that are available today. The town currently stores some vehicles inside and lots of equipment is left outside in the elements. With the cost of equipment today we need to get the best length of usefulness out of the equipment we purchase. Storing our equipment inside will prolong the life usefulness of our equipment and save time and $ when staff needs to mount the snow plows every time they go out to plow. Since 1959 our plow trucks leave the plows outside and park the trucks inside. Every time We need to plow the staff mounts the plow on their truck outside in the elements. A new facility would allow for the plows to be stored inside in a place right in front of the dump truck allowing the staff for much shorter time to connect their plow for each snowstorm.. We would also be able to wash off our trucks after each use removing all of the salt creating less maintenance on our trucks. We would be able to store ALL of our equipment inside, nothing would be left in the elements. Currently, our backhoe, graders, excavator and many other pieces of equipment are left outside.

In short, there are many good reasons we should upgrade the one town department that every resident uses every day. If you drive, walk, or ride a bike, you use our town roads, sidewalks either in the summertime or wintertime. Please join the Selectboard Saturday April 26 or on May10 from 9 am until 1 pm and get your first hand look at why this is such an important project for the current town staff and the future efficient operation of our Dept. of Public Works. This is a project we hope we are able to have on the ballot later this year,, November has been discussed. Please come and see the place and be aware of the building from the inside to the outside.

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