2 Halloween Parties for Young Kids: Morning & Afternoon

Past event
Oct 30, 2020, 2 to 4 PM

The Children's Room is co-hosting TWO Halloween events for young children on Friday, Oct 30. FREE

Pre-registration required, see details below.

A Little Outdoor Halloween Party w/ Waterbury Public Library
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
For babies, toddlers and young children. We'll have live Music with Steve Lotspeich, storytelling and games.
Wear a costume!
Meet outside in the Word Garden, near the library parking lot.

A Halloween Scavenger Hunt w/ Waterbury Area Senior Center
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Geared more towards toddlers and young children (up to age 6 years). Halloweeny tricks and treats will be hidden around the store fronts and yards on Stowe Street. You'll need sharp eyes and a good imagination to find them. The Senior Center is making special treats for the little scavengers, too.
Wear a costume!
Meet in the alleyway by Stowe St Emporium to get your hunting list.

You must pre-register at 241-1374 or childrensroom@huusd.org. Space is limited so register early!

Masks will be required for adults, recommended for children over 2 years. We'll have the customary health screenings upon arrival, and be mindful of distancing. And we'll have lots of fun!

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