Writers, poets, journalists, memoirists... whatever the genre, all are welcome at our monthly Writers' Wertfrei gathering, this Saturday, October 17th from 10 to noon via Zoom. Our moniker comes from the German "Wertfreiheit" meaning non-judgmental or value-free. These gatherings are a place where writers can come, share their work, receive comments and suggestions in a supportive, caring environment. Come with what you are currently working on or anything else you'd like to share. For more information contact Judi at judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89388634821
Mar 10, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
LWV Lecture Series: Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns?Mar 12, 2025, 7 PM
Worcester Winter Cash Bingo! Sundays at Town HallMar 16, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM