Restorative Circles

Past event
Nov 1, 2020, 10 AM to 3 PM

Pop-Up Circles Sunday November 1

These are challenging times and many of us feel misunderstood; it often feels as if others are not listening to what we have to say. In response to this, the Bennington Restorative Circle Project is offering members of our community an opportunity to listen and be heard through Restorative Circles.

Restorative Circles are a simple yet powerful practice that offers people an opportunity to come together and learn to listen to each other. Once we experience being heard, our ability to communicate with each other changes dramatically. In this way, we can work to bring our community closer together.

We are offering several Pop-Up Circles on Sunday, November 1st to all members of Bennington. We invite you to attend one or more of our Circles, either through zoom or in- person, at no cost. We hope to engage our vibrant and diverse community in a process that can help us to work together towards building a safer and more welcoming place for all.

To register to participate in a circle, or for more information, fill out the registration form.

If you have questions or need assistance registering please feel free to contact Alisa at
442-3328 or Rachel at 447-3512 or email:

Here is a link to a short video about Circles:

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