Food Shelf Distribution Oct. 17

Past event
Oct 17, 2020

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – 273 Route 15 in Jericho

Thanks to all those who have donated time, produce, money and non-perishable groceries to the food shelf during the recent harvest season. Client families especially appreciated the bounty of greens, apples, potatoes, carrots, squash, tomatoes, and blueberries! The Jericho Market has ordered meat for us when the usual sources were insufficient. They also provide a food donation drop box the the Essex-Jericho-Underhill Food Shelf, as do Price Chopper and Hannaford's. During the month of November, Hannaford's will also give $1 to the EJU Food Shelf for every reusable bag purchased through their special program.

Our next food distribution takes place this Saturday, October 17th, at Good Shepard Lutheran Church on Route 15 in Jericho from 9 AM to 11 AM. To help with traffic flow, local families (Essex, Jericho, and Underhill) are invited to arrive at 9 AM, and families from other towns are invited to arrive starting at 10 AM. Newcomers are welcome to register on the spot.

Like many businesses and service providers, we have altered our distribution model to adopt a safe curbside pickup procedure. Food recipients can remain in their vehicles while masked and gloved volunteers place several bags of groceries and personal items in their trunk.

To contact the food shelf online, please go to . If you would like to contribute in support of our continued efforts, please make checks payable to and mail to EJU Food Shelf, P.O. Box 65, Jericho, VT 05465.

Again, we thank our communities for their relentless compassion and generosity in these challenging times!

Your EJU Ecumenical Food Shelf Board

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