Spirited Homes of Milton: Halloween Decorating Contest

Past event
Oct 24, 9 PM to 9 PM, Oct 31, 2020

Milton Recreation invites all residents to celebrate the spookiest time of the year! Registering homes & businesses compete to be petrifying prize-winners, while residents make their way around town to view the eye-popping displays and vote for their frightening favorites. All decorating registrants will receive a goodie bag, and winners will receive special prizes along with a yard sign for bragging rights. A map of decorated homes & businesses will be released on October 19, along with an online poll for People's Choice. Make your plans to get out and view the creepy creativity!

Dates (UPDATED): Contest entry deadline Tue, Oct. 13 after which Milton Recreation will touch base with all who have entered and judging will take place Tue & Wed, Oct. 20 & 21. A map of all entries will be made available on Oct. 19 for residents to view decorations. Make sure to register early as spots are limited to 12 homes and 12 businesses. More information and registration at miltonvt.gov/recregister.

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