Hello Vergennes! You may have seen the announcements of community conversations. Maybe you couldn't make last week's meeting (October 8th) but are still curious.
Here's what happened last week:
• Over 75 people showed up
• Every participant had a chance to speak and meet neighbors in small groups.
• We identified a list of things that we love about Vergennes (check our website)
• We discussed what is working well in Vergennes and what is not working well
Everyone is welcome at this week's conversation! We will meet 6-7:30 pm on Thursday (October 15). What will happen?
• Connect again to neighbors and ensure that everyone's voice is heard
• Review the issues that need attention and brainstorm ways to address them
To join by phone or by Zoom, RSVP to vergennesforum@gmail.com
Our website: https://sites.google.com/view/letstalkvergennes